“am I really healthy??” …… when u ask yourself this very important question some will answer “yes off course.” Not surprisingly this might be what you are perceiving. The crucial word in this question is “really.” Well I say it, because there is difference between reality and truth, reality is what we perceive, what we feel and truth is just bare fact, it is what actually you are. lot of people fall prey to a disease because they are in fact incapable to know what actually is truth about their mind, body and spirit. They fail to experience what is being actually at optimum health. some are unclear to answer “am I really healthy??” and surprisingly many even neglect the facts about their own health. And even if those who become aware they get more confused because of contradictory continuous bombarding of information. Their frustration ultimately shouts “what should I really do to regain my health??”
Considering such realities, it is imp for you and all of us to understand that mere absence of disease in not being at good health .the importance of being at good health can be realised by knowing some facts. One of the best medical journals `Lancet’, says that nearly 39 million people in India are pushed to poverty because of ill health every year. Around 30% in rural India actually didn’t go for any treatment for pure financial reasons in 2004. This is the impact of ill health just in terms of financial loss, but the loss in terms of time, energy is beyond analysis.
So don’t you think that it is not only important for you to understand the consequences, but it is also of prime importance for you to prevent diseases? A basic outline for prevention has existed for more than thousand years, but wellness has had a hard time making real headway. Our society has a tendency of magic bullet fixation, waiting for the next miracle drug to cure us of every ill. Many doctors think that they receive no economic benefit from pushing prevention over drugs and surgery, pharmaceutical companies avoid to make people realize that there is better way than using their drugs. For all these reasons, compliance with prevention falls far below what is needed for maximum wellness. These might be few reasons you must have given “prevention” a little importance.
So after all above discussion your next obvious question must be “so what are the parameters of good health”
Most people think they are healthy because they “feel” healthy….are u one of them?? However, many are numb to the full life experiences that exist for them in heightened levels of energy and vitality that exist when they apply advanced health strategies and prevent disease. If true health is one of your major goals then wouldn’t it be a good idea for you to know what the definition of health is? Understanding the definition of health gives you a goal in which to aim. Why travel somewhere without knowing what the destination is?
Unfortunately, if you were to ask most physicians they wouldn’t have a clear answer for you. Many would say… “health is the absence of disease”…how inappropriate?? Imagine if your goal is to fly from Mumbai to New York and you asked your pilot if they knew where the destination was and they said, “It’s not Mumbai.” Would it be good to let that individual “guide” you to New York? Of course not! And yet most doctors and individuals would define health as “the absence of disease” or in other words, “feeling good”. This is an extremely dangerous approach to health care!! Big Pharma companies would define health as, “the absence of symptoms by using our drugs”.
So the question remains, what is the definition of health? According to the World Health Organization the definition of health is as follows: WHO (World Health Organization) DEFINITION OF HEALTH : “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
Ayurveda moves closer to bring objectivity to this vague definition, it indicates that humans are designed by 3 factors: the body, the mind, the soul. If all the three are perfectly in tune and there is a well-being in all the three, it becomes one well-being of the total organism from the physical, psychological, to the spiritual. Then it is holistic health. Get this. Health is an innate, natural phenomenon. Being healthy is normal, it is what you are genetically programmed to express! It’s not just exercising or eating the right foods. I’ve worked with hundreds of patients that were vegetarians, eating organic, exercising regularly and doing all other fads, but still they are not even close to their optimum health, there is something more to it.
“sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha|
Prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate || Sushruta Samhita
It simply means, One is in perfect health when
1. VATA, PITTA AND KAPHA (Three doshas ie functional units of body)
2. AGNI (Digestive capacity – digestion, assimilation , metabolism)
3. DHATU (all the body tissues & components of the entire physical body)
4. MALA-KRIYA (all the excretory functions )
All are in perfect order with a CONTENTED MIND, SENSES AND SPIRIT. Ayurveda’s definition of health is all encompassing physical, psychological, Social and spiritual well being can only be possible when all above criteria are met.
To suffice the concept of health it will be very important for you to understand the
8 BAROMETERS OF HEALTH which can be easily monitored by yourself. These indicators will help to be aware. Raising self-awareness about these benchmarks will surely help you to determine “am I really healthy??”
1. Feeling of being hungry after about 3-4 hours.
2. sound uninterrupted sleep.
3. Feeling fresh after getting up in morning
4. Soft, clear, fresh skin.
5. Flexible body without any stiffness.
6. Feeling energetic and positive.
7. Regular clearance of excretory systems i.e stools, urine and sweat.
8. A balanced state of mind.
To make to understand in more easier way ask yourself questions about these 8 (barometers) indications of health. Answer each question by detailed critical observation. Give yourself 1 mark for each “yes” and 0 marks for each “no.”
1. Alarming : If your score is less than 4, its alarming !! you need to consult a good doctor.
2. Be aware : if your score is about 5, u are on right path but need to be more aware of what your body says
3. Maintain it : If u find that you are aligned with more than 6 indications, then congratulations to you!!!…you need to maintain it.
Deviation from these indicators is a signal that you are heading rapidly towards a disease. You must take corrective measures that will prevent further development of the disease.
Last but not the least, If true health is our destination, how do we get there? And how do we remove the obstacles or interferences that make it difficult to optimize health? Bundled together your ultimate question would be “ what I must do to regain my health” …..contd.