In our last article, I asked you to question yourself “am I really healthy??”. http://blog.aim-health.in/2018/04/26/am-i-really-healthy/ . And to differentiate between what u perceive about yourself and what is the truth about yourself a small questionnaire was given to you. These questions were about the 8
barometers of your health as defined according to Ayurveda,
8 BAROMETERS OF HEALTH which can be easily monitored by yourself. These indicators help to be “aware”. Raising self-awareness about these benchmarks will surely help you to determine “am I really healthy??
- Do you feel hungry after about 3-4 hours?
- Do you experience sound uninterrupted sleep?
- Do you fresh after getting up in morning
- Is your skin Soft, clear, fresh?
- is your Flexible body without any stiffness?
- Do you feel energetic and positive?
- Is there regular and complete clearance of excretory systems i.e stools, urine and
sweat? - Do you experience the balanced state of mind?
Answer each question by detailed critical observation. Give yourself 1 mark for each“yes” and 0 marks for each “no.”
1. Alarming: If your score is less than 4, it’s alarming !! you need to consult a good
2. Be aware: if your score is about 5, u are on the right path but need to be more aware
of what your body says
3. Maintain it: If u find that you are aligned with more than 6 indications, then congratulations to you!!!…you need to maintain it.
If after the self assessment of your 8 barometers of your health, if you find that your score
is less than 4 then you urgently need to get urself a good health guide.
The problem with “the” health guide.
This authoritative figure varies from person to person.
For some of you, it might be a friend,
For some, it might be an article,
For some, it might be internet and
Some may even consider themselves as health experts.
Some intelligent people like you prefer to have such a guide in form of a doctor. Even in such case, the confusion may amplify, an allopathic doctor will suggest something which might be very different from a homeopath, similarly, a naturopath will advise which might be inappropriate for an allopath.
For example: if u are very much troubled by back pain and decides to get advice from the authorities u will surprisingly get different advice for the same ailment. Eg; an allopath will advise an operation, a naturopath will advise you a massage, some will say there is an imbalance in the bioenergies.
I can completely understand your plight. U might have gone through similar experience also. It’s really tough to assess what is actually beneficial and what is not. Too much of information available has made everyone informative but very few have gained knowledge from it. And as rightly said, “half knowledge is always dangerous.” So it is very very important (n also challenging) to find a genuine health guide for you. your guiding person should have a holistic approach towards your health and must have a deep understanding.
If in above test you score more than 5 then I would suggest certain changes in your lifestyle to restore your health. The changes need to be implemented in all three aspects of your life the physical, mental and spiritual aspects.
The important physical aspects which need to be considered are food, sleep and lifestyle You might have come across varied kind of opinions and bits of advice regarding food. Again mostly they might be confusing for you. So what is needed is a definite and time-tested and proven system of healthcare like Ayurveda.