It happened Just few days back, one of my client was heavily sedated with confusion , in his mentally debilitated state he started demanding from me the recipe of change. His demand was very precise and simple.. he wanted to change his life quickly and wanted to get rid of all the bugs infesting his life.
In a zombie state he started a conversation , “I tried with all my will and all my capabilities” and added further “ I failed again and again”. I just calmly stated “ it seems you were using same map and travelling on different roads…”. Agitatedly, he interrupted me “do you think I m so naive… I m trained and educated enough to know about it”. “OHH ..that definitely means that you were on all wrong roads” ..i just smiled and paused. After a pregnant pause and some sakshsaatkaar he said, “I dont want to argue, I just want the solution”
As he was a well read person with some good intellect, I started explaining him ,”Change in life can only occur when Agami and Kriyaman Karmas neutralize Prarabdha”
“now what mumbo-jumbo is that!!!” he said. I continued, To make it simple for you . “Agami karma is our free will to make a plan or set an intention to take an action in the future. Kriyaman Karmas is our free will to take current actions to change our current life situation. And Our prarabdha karma is that portion of our entire sanchita karma that is allotted to us to experience in our current lives. ohh that leaves you with sanchit karma !!. now sanchit karma is Our entire accumulated karma that represents all the actions we’ve performed in all our past our lifetimes”
The quality and quantum of effort required to alter destiny (Prarabdha) depends on how strong our previous karmas were.
-An occasional visit even to the most famous astrologer cannot substitute for a change of life style resulting from a change of consciousness.
– Expiatory rituals work to some extent.
-Chanting can be of immense value.
– surrendered devotion works efficiently many times
– certain methodologies and processes definitely facilitates.
-But wearing gem stones, engaging the best pundits to do costly yagnyas or even a temporary chanting of stotras cannot be the end in itself.
These are just the means to alter your consciousness. With any of the means “There must be a change of consciousness”, that is the key !!! And this does not happen overnight. It starts as an inspiration, as an insight, or some bitter experiences. A good astrologer, coach, guide, guru or a evolved spiritual being can spark off this inspiration. However affecting a change of consciousness is a slow and gradual process, much like evolution.
Here the geography of the change is like large plateau with small abrupt hills and only one or two big mountains. But the problem with most of us , is that we except this change with geography of recurrent mountains ranges, few hills and one or none plateau.
Now this is perfect recipe for depression, anxiety and failure.
Since it has to start somewhere, it starts with the “right resolve”. First we must have the ‘right state of mind’ for having true resolve. For this we should assume responsibility for our own karma.
“I wanted a instant pain killer for gratification ..ok … I need to go now”, I smiled, I took a small chit and wrote on it “continuous search for excitement is worst form of boredom” and handed over to him; he read it, he left.