Viruses are defined as cellular, ultramicroscopic, metabolically inert nucleoprotein particles having RNA or DNA strands. Viral replication is a potential drug target, or simply antiviral drugs can specifically target a single viral enzyme, responsible for viral replication.
The emergence of resistant virus strains due to mutation etc has again set new challenges and contributed a lot for therapeutic failure. As per our traditional system of medicine i.e. Ayurveda, viral infections can only be treated by body immune system and the commonly used herbs/plants and herbal formulations like immunomodulators, Antioxidants, Mineral Supplements can be used for treating such viral infestation along with its effective management via cleanliness and other precautions.
It is projected that about 35,000 to 70,000 plant species across the globe can be used medicinally useful. Due to side effects associated with most of the synthetic medicinal products, people are moving towards Ayurvedic system of medicine.
There are many fundamental principles of Ayurveda used to treat various ailments based up on the physio-pathology of the disease state. However, along with pathogenic infestations there are environmental factors such as diet, hygiene, which play a major role.
One such factor is that of “Ama Dosha”and according to Ayurveda, this is major cause of all sort of vhadhi that is states of ailment via impairment of Agni, so it may be considered as Agni Dosha. Ama majorily compares the food material taken by an individual with toxic moieties that causes doshas or disease to occur, rather than nourishing the body. Due to this impaired function of Agni, the un-metabolized food contents (liquid state or rasa) are not properly absorbed and are retained in gastro-intestinal track, where it got fermented and hence is harmful to our body; and is named as poisons.
Another factor that can also be taken care of, in case of such complicated diseases is oxygen, which plays a vital role in number of biological functions such as utilization of nutrients, ATP production and the elimination of xenobiotics. .Oxidative stress occurs as a result of either over production of precursors and/or declined efficiency of inhibitory and scavenging systems. This stress can be amplified and propagated by an autocatalytic cycle producing cell death and tissue damage. Removal of such reactive oxygen species can thus be a probable mechanism for efficient defence against various diseases
The role of traditional medicine in developing of anti-viral drugs and formulations is been studied and discussed in many eminent research studies and publications. These domains of traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda and others involving herbs has eventually emerged as a promising field of interest in developing anti-viral medications
Some of the important immunity enhancers and/or immune-modulators are:
Achilleamillefolium, Aloe vera , Andrographi spaniculata, Withania somnifera, Tinospora cardifolia, Mangiferaindica, Ocimum sanctum, Morus alba, Asparagus racemosus, Bauhinia variegate, Gymnemasylvestre, Embelicaofficinalis, Artemisia annua Lin, Euphorbia hirta, Aeglemarmelos, Trigonellafoenumgraecum, Aloe vera, Aeglemarmelos, Syzygiumcuminii, Laurusnobilis and many more.
Management of Viral infestations: The viral infection cases are managed very typically, as it includes number of factors like infecting strain, morbidity rate, mortality rate, symptoms etc.; as that in case of recently declared pandemic due to NCovid19and thus it includes the following:
1. Cleanliness of body and clothes.
- Isolation or quarantine of patients.
- Sanitization and cleanliness of facilities.
- Proper medication for symptomatic relief.
- Immunity enhancement via health supplements like antioxidants.
- Mental health and wellness.
- Hygienic workplace.
- Social distancing.
- Covering of face while talking, coughing and sneezing.
Conclusion: Ayurveda is not just dealing with symptomatic treatment, but it covers our mental and physical dimensions like life style, dietary management and exercise and thus it also provides preventive system of medicine. In Ayurveda different approaches of therapeutic treatment are used in variety of microbial infestations. Earlier it was thought that our traditional medicine system do not cover therapeutic measures for viral infestations, but the experimental studies related to the evaluation of antiviral efficacy of herbal drugs carried out in last two decades have supported the use of natural or herbal drugs in such typical ailments.